
Thankful Tree

This is a picture of our Thankful Tree this year. I FINALLY finished it about a week before Thanksgiving---better late than never I suppose!

But it was a fun project! I went to the fabric market with my new, fun crafting buddy Lori! I am so thankful she is here! We got the fabric and cut it to size, and then did a little sewing (on her machine---oh how I miss mine!) and a little painting, and volia!
Ok--well, we cut a lot some leaves too!

But we really enjoyed having the tree this year. Everyday the kids got to write on one (or 3 if you are trying to fill the tree fast) leaves what they are thankful for. They got to pick their leaf from the ones at the bottom and then put it on the tree when they were finished writing.  It was neat to see what each of the kids said...here are a couple....

ry--"that God made me" "my new friends"
everett--"the world", "God"
reid--"clean water", "Jesus"

and in honor of full disclosure they were also thankful for their DS, food, clothes,candy, and toys, least you think I have totally grounded kids :)

So glad we made this and can't wait to use it for years to come!


Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving last week, even though we missed our family and friends at home a lot! We started the morning out skyping with some of our family/cooking the dishes we were bringing to our meal at noon. We went to our sweet friends house for lunch. The Todd's were so gracious to open their home to 9 adults and 13 kids---wowsers! But we all had a wonderful time and enjoyed good food and wonderful fellowship! I didn't get a lot of pics from the day but here are a couple.

Sweet Ry with her turkey dress and big smile. Clearly we had already eaten---stains all over her dress. that girl is a mess!

Rylie and Mommy 

Reid and his fun Indian feather hat from school

And this is what the kids did ALL day! Which is why I don't have any pictures of the boys---they couldn't be distracted from their games for pictures!

These are the big set of kids......
They played Monopoly, Bang, Jenga, and played outside.

The littles took out a lot of games............and enjoyed the pieces :)

We had a great day and are so thankful for friends who become family when you are so far away!


Chinese Wedding

A couple of weekends ago,we got to attend the wedding of a dear friend from college and our time here before. She got married in our city to a guy that she met over here. 
It was my first Chinese wedding and it was SO much fun!

This is Becca and Justin. As you can see she wore a traditional American dress, but the rest of the wedding was pretty traditional Chinese. The whole ceremony was in Chinese (Justin doesn't speak English), and I could actually understand more than I thought I would.

They did a sweet serving of the tea, where the bride served tea to the grooms parents and the groom served tea to the brides parents.

During the ceremony we all sat at tables in a ballroom and then when it was over, we stayed at the table for the reception.
And then came the food......

I was pretty excited about the dish on the left above--pesto pasta maybe? one of my favorites!
oh no. chicken feet in some sort of not pesto green sauce.
And the soup--meatball minestrone maybe? nikki--you know what I'm talking about! 
oh no. that's a turtle. a whole turtle.  
And because the chinese aren't big sweets eaters, they brought one piece of cake for the whole table to share. What? We asked for another one. Several times.

 Here is a pic of us after the wedding. We had such a wonderful time celebrating Becca and Justin. And it was so great to be out with some other couples without kids!
Thanks for letting us be a part of your special day Becca!

Lost Tooth

This happy boy has lost another tooth!! 
And he is also happy to report that the Tooth Fairy got word of our move and found him here!


Fall Fair

 This past weekend we went to the Fall Fair at the boys school. It was their first year putting it on and they did a fantastic job!

Here are Madison, Hailey, Reid, and Everett riding on the hayride. It was basically a motorcycle with a truck bed. They rode it around the track at the school. We don't have very many hayfields here, so you have to take what you can get :) 

But the kids really enjoyed it!

They had lots of fun games with fun prizes and the boys enjoyed them all!
They had a "jail" where you could pay 10 kuai to put a friend in jail. They could then either pay 15 kuai to not go,or stay in for 5 minutes. E got put in 3 times by his new friends at school, and although he acted like he didn't like it, I know he was secretly loving it :) He did decide to become a sheriff to help put people in jail, and it kept him safe from going back in!
(by the way--this was a great way for the school to make money! it cost them nothing and once it caught on, it was FULL!)

They also had a game where you raced to see who could eat a doughnut the fastest without your hands. Doughnuts are a rare treat over here, so E was super excited to play this game. And this picture was taken by his mean mom who was laughing, i mean encouraging him, as he played. E has no front teeth and is missing one on the bottom. He really didn't stand a chance :)
He did finish the doughnut, but did not win the race!

Overall the Fall Fair was really fun!! It was great to meet some of their classmates and see the kids interact with their friends.


Football in the Fall

We LOVE football. Watching it on TV, listening to shows with people talking about the games, and especially going to games. A little glimpse of heaven is a football Saturday in Athens, end of October/beginning of November.....ah, I can feel the crisp air, see all the red and black, taste the yummy tailgate food........
Well, we didn't get to the "perfect" game, but we were SO thankful to go to a game before we flew around the world. We went to the Georgia/South Carolina game in September, and although I would have liked a better outcome, the day was wonderful!

Aunt Andi and Uncle Scotty joined us, and Reid decided he wanted to play at Nai Nai's house with Rylie, as long as we promised to bring him some cotton candy :)

So, being half-way around the world during one of our favorite seasons has been a bit tough, but thanks to our dear friends Alan and Shannon, we have gotten to watch several games!! We have to be careful not to see scores and then we watch them on our Sunday afternoons.  It is such a fun time of fellowship with friends and fun football!!

Here are all the kids---our three and two of Alan and Shannon's--Cameron and Laura Cate

And here are the boys sporting their jerseys. As you can see this was from the game on Saturday against Auburn. Alan is an Auburn fan and his little boy Cameron has his AU jersey on and they were both good sports about the game, despite the outcome :)

Here are our little Bulldogs! We had such a fun time watching the game with good friends!



The boys were Green Lantern and Superman. I had capes and masks made and then I worked hard (or colored with markers as we were walking out the door) on their shirts. They were pretty happy with the results!

Rylie was a purple/pink superhero with a tutu. Don't judge people. Halloween costumes didn't make it into the 10 suitcases. Maybe next year........

Superheroes save the day!

We did get to go to trick or treating, even though they do not celebrate Halloween over here. There was a neighborhood that organized trick or treating for all the foreigners in the city, and it was really fun! We did get quite a few interesting looks from the locals :)


First Day of School!

The boys in front of their new school!
They were super excited to go!

 Everett and his 3rd grade teacher Ms. Dwight
Everett has a couple of good friends in his class--Madison, Nick and Ji Min. Madison lives in our apartment complex, so they get to play a lot.
Everett has 7 boys and 11 girls in his class---the boys were very excited to have another boy join the class!

Reid and his kindergarten teacher Ms. Maruschak. She used to live in Columbia, SC--yay!
Reid has a friend from our apartment complex in his class--Canyon--and they are 2 of the 9 boys and only 3 girls in the class. 

We are really excited about the school and think it is going to be GREAT for our boys!


 So, we had a couple of days of internet/computer issues, and then I was sick for a couple of days with strep--all the "you should have had your tonsils out" posts will be deleted :)
but we are up and running now and the posts should keep coming!

 For all the worried grandparents........

they are figuring out how to eat just fine :) 
Both boys have picked up eating with kuaizi so well! 
They are eating fanqiejidan, which is basically scrambled eggs and tomatoes and all three kids LOVE it!
No pictures of Rylie but she is figuring out how to eat without silverware too. Not always as pretty as one might hope.

These were actually taken just a few days after we got here, which is why they both look like they are going to fall asleep in their food! We are totally over jet lag now--everyone really did great!--and are adjusted to our new schedule.