This is a picture of our Thankful Tree this year. I FINALLY finished it about a week before Thanksgiving---better late than never I suppose!
But it was a fun project! I went to the fabric market with my new, fun crafting buddy Lori! I am so thankful she is here! We got the fabric and cut it to size, and then did a little sewing (on her machine---oh how I miss mine!) and a little painting, and volia!
Ok--well, we cut a lot some leaves too!
But we really enjoyed having the tree this year. Everyday the kids got to write on one (or 3 if you are trying to fill the tree fast) leaves what they are thankful for. They got to pick their leaf from the ones at the bottom and then put it on the tree when they were finished writing. It was neat to see what each of the kids are a couple....
ry--"that God made me" "my new friends"
everett--"the world", "God"
reid--"clean water", "Jesus"
and in honor of full disclosure they were also thankful for their DS, food, clothes,candy, and toys, least you think I have totally grounded kids :)
So glad we made this and can't wait to use it for years to come!