While we LOVE the food over here, there are some things that still haven't totally won me over. Hot pot is one of them. It is a very famous meal that originated in a city not too far from ours.
I would compare it to fondue, but I am afraid that might bring too pleasant of an image to mind.
Here is a picture of hot pot. It is pot full of oil/water/spices/unknown things. This is a split pot with spicy spicy on the outside (red part) and mild on the inside (white part). You wait until it boils and then
they bring you the food that you have ordered--we had potatos, lotus root, beef, mutton, duck tongue noodles, and tofu--and you put it in the pot to cook and then fish it out with chopsticks.
Matt LOVES hot pot. It is not my favorite. So when our crazy adventerous friend was in town from America and she said she wanted to eat hot pot, I was all on board with taking Matt because then I didn't have to go later by myself. See, we had 8 of us at the table. Therefore, I could pretty much put my chopsticks in the bowl and dig around every once in awhile and get away with not eating a thing. Thats right, I didn't have to eat it but my hubby enjoyed it and I got to hang out with fun friends. Brilliant.
sweet friends!
I have known Lauren and Jane since my freshman year in highschool.
We went to youth group together and now Lauren and I are serving over here together! Jane came to visit on her spring break this year. It was so great to see you Jane!!