Look at this little chunker!
Knox is two months old. Wow.
He is eating great, which the double chin might have given away.
He sleeps great at night--about 7 hours. He sleeps well during the day but is mostly being held by people, not sleeping in bed.
He got his 6 week shots like a champ.
He has been my only baby to get sick--had a cold for a bit, but I guess that's to be expected with 3 older siblings :)
He sometimes has a fussy time in the evening for about an hour, usually 7-8ish
I think he weighs about 9 lbs. 4 oz?
He is about 23 1/2 inches
no more newborn clothes--we are solidly in 0-3 months
He takes his paci to fall asleep during the day, but doesn't use it at all at night
He is smiling and laughing up a storm. I LOVE it!!
kids are still fighting over who gets to hold him. i love that too.
we are so blessed!