Well, our wonderful time in the States with family had to come to an end.......
so we took Mimi to lunch on the way to the airport....mexican of course :)
Boarded our flight and we were on our way......
And then we got delayed in Detroit....overnight....without our carry on bags. They made us check both of them in Atlanta all the way to Beijing. Had we made the flight no worries, but they did contain important items like diapers, pajamas, and a change of clothes for us all.
so the three of us spent the night in a hotel in Detroit looking somewhat like this......your welcome for sparing you a picture of me :)
We made the flight from Detroit to Beijing the next day...barely! (we were flying stand-by)
BUT we got bulkhead seats with a bassinet! Hallelujah!! What a blessing to be able to put that sweet boy down for a minute on the 14 hour flight.
and we're off......
Rylie did great on the flight and then fell asleep 25 minutes before we landed. You can imagine how the deboarding might have gone......
We landed in Beijing, cleared customs--even got some compliments on my littles rockin' travel skills--and then waited on for our luggage. And waited and waited. We had made the flight in Detroit, but our bags had not. So then we went to the lost luggage office and in Chinese told them about my 6 lost bags and how I needed them to get to our city. I was pretty sure I would never see the bags.......
We caught our next flight and FINALLY made it home to these fabulous faces!!!
oh, how we missed them!!
Ry was immediately glued to her Daddy!
The fabulous sign waiting for us on our door!!
So thankful we got to go visit, but SO glad to be back together again!