
Saturday Sports

This fall we started doing Saturday morning sports. It is quite a commitment, one we have never done before. It is about a 30 minute drive to the field and it lasts from 9-12. Kinda takes up a lot of our Saturday. But our boys LOVE sports and we have a car now, so we decided to go for it!

 Coach Matt! 
The boys do soccer for the first session and then Reid plays baseball and Everett plays tennis. They are both really enjoying it and doing great! Reid got moved up into the higher age group for baseball and is playing with some highschoolers!

Reid and Gabe
Several other families that we love are also doing it, so we have lots of fun friends out there! And our mornings usually end with a lunch at Burger King!

And this little nugget just hangs out being happy :)
We are really enjoying it now, but check back with me when the cold weather hits. Yikes. This mama doesn't do cold well.


Still loving it!

Rylie in front of her school

her sweet little class

Ry with her class.....yeah, she's a little taller than the average 4 year old. Especially Chinese 4 year olds........

Happy girl after her first day! Her teachers braided her hair--she wants me to learn to do it like that!



This little one started preschool this week.

 Chinese preschool. Totally in a language she doesn't really speak. And she LOVES it!!!

SO excited to get to take her "First Day of School" picture!


and her favorite part was walking hand in hand to school with her Daddy with their matching backpacks :)


12 Years!!

I can't believe we are old enough to have been married for 12 years!! For our Anniversary we went out to dinner at the restaurant we ate at the night we got engaged, The Mississippi Grill. It is at the top of a nice hotel downtown in our city. 
The food wasn't as good as we remembered, but we had a wonderful night remembering our dinner there years before, and celebrating all that has happened since.
2 countries, 3 cities, 5 houses, 4 children....it's been an amazing adventure!!

Happy Anniversary babe! It's been a great 12 years--can't wait to see where the next 12 take us!! 


Swim Meet

Part of the CDIS team! Go Pandas!

Reid was able to participate in the CISA swim meet this year, even though he is only in 2nd grade. Usually you have to be in 3rd grade but they needed someone to fill a couple of spots and he quickly volunteered!

waiting to swim. He swam the 25 and 50 Free and was supposed to swim in a relay, but one boy didn't want to swim. He has an awesome time, did great, and......

And he came home with two ribbons!

9 Months

You have now been out of my belly longer than you were in! And I have enjoyed these last 9 months MUCH better than the first :)

This is what you look like almost all the time. You are the happiest baby. Ever.

You are still sleeping great. Two long naps and 12 hours at night
You still love to eat everything we give you.....and LOTS of it! 
Bananas, applesauce, and sweet potatoes are your favorites
You are still a great nurser but Mama has thrush so we might have to wean you soon
You go EVERYWHERE now. Up the steps, in the bathroom.....
You love to pull up on the rolling car and are starting to walk behind it around the den
You LOVE music and LOVE to dance. Anytime any music is on you are shaking it down.
Daddy can entertain you for a long time playing the guitar and you like to "help" him play
Still no teeth, but that doesn't get in the way of your eating!

Your favorite books are Brown Bear, Brown Bear and Barnyard Dance
You love when someone sings Itsy Bitsy Spider and I always sing Jesus Loves You before bed
You sleep with a grey blankie and your lion lovie every nap and night

And those big eyes.......oh how they bring joy to our lives!


Cruisin' round town

This guy LOVES to pull up and walk this little toy all around the apartment. 
Today one of his older brothers helped him find some tunes to listen to while he drove....except there was no music. But he looked cool :)