30 weeks
Weight Gain?
I'm still at about 8 pounds. All the 140 ounces of water I drink a day don't put on the weight I guess :)
How big is baby?
about the size of a cucumber and around 3 pounds
I am having trouble falling back asleep when I wake up in the middle of the night....which I often do!
Maternity Clothes?
Food cravings?
i was craving wings the other day--weird--but there aren't any here, so I didn't get them. I have been eating apples and pumpkin dip a lot.
Food aversions?
pretty much any meat--except formentioned wings.....
still throwing up, heartburn, everything has started stretching--having lots of hip pain.....lovely third trimester things :)
Doctor’s Appointment?
I had one today! Knox is still growing well. Doctor said he has long limbs like his mama---he kept talking about how long my legs were--ha! Knox still needs a little fattening up, so I am supposed to eat lots of eggs, milk, and meat. yuck to the meat :(
He is moving around all the time now!
Belly Button?
In--mine has never popped out with any of my pregnancies!
What am I looking forward to?
being on the other side of my flight around the world at 33 weeks pregnant with Rylie......by myself.
We are hopefully leaving on the 12th of November
What do I miss?
sleeping throught the night, but I guess I should get used to it :)
Best Moment this week?
all the sweet friends who have brought us dinner and helped our family while I have been on bed rest! We are so blessed!