
28 weeks

How far along? 28 weeks

Weight Gain?
I've gained about 8 pounds! The doctor here said that the baby wasn't fat enough, so I needed to fatten him up. Matt asked what I could eat to do that. The doctor said eat carrot soup. Who ever got fat off carrot soup??

How big is baby?
about the size of an eggplant and about 2 lbs

Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep, so I have been reading before I go to bed. Which almost always turns into Matt putting my kindle down for me after I have fallen asleep while reading.....

Maternity Clothes?
Definitely, especially pants!

Food cravings?
Clemintines are here! yay! I have also been eating LOTS of the pumpkin granola that I brought back from Hong Kong. Sadly, I am almost out and it is no where to be found here :(

Food aversions?
still better most days! Any raw meat....

still throwing up, heartburn has started......hair stopped falling out! Yay!

Doctor’s Appointment?
I had one last week. Knox was growing, but my fluid is still low, so still on bed rest. Praying through whether we should go back to States to have him or not. Would love your prayers!

He is moving around a lot now! mostly when I lie down to go to sleep at night :)

Belly Button?
In--mine has never popped out with any of my pregnancies!

What am I looking forward to?
Deciding where we will have him (the planner in me is really having trouble being still and waiting--perhaps there is a lesson in here somewhere?)

What do I miss?
cereal, rylie sitting in my lap, sleeping on my belly

Best Moment this week?
Everett's Birthday--he said the what he was looking forward to most in his 9th year was Knox being born!

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