I can't believe we are half way through your first year sweet thing!!
I just can't get enough of that smile. My word, you can melt a heart and brighten a day!
You are still sleeping in your pack n play, but a crib is in your near future!!
You are sitting up pretty well now
you can roll to get about anywhere/anything that you want
You play really well by yourself on the floor
you love your play mat and any toy that makes noise
We travel in the stroller or car seat most places--we haven't used the ergo very much since the LONG trip back to America where you lived in it :)
those eyes--just about every Chinese person who talks to me about you, which is just about every Chinese person who sees you, talks about how big your eyes are......and they LOVE them!
you are back on your pre-trip around the world sleeping schedule--praise Jesus!
You still eat every three hours, but if you sleep 13 hours at night it is totally worth it :)
getting ready to roll away......
and i love playing in this!!!
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