
4 months

Sweet boy!
You are four months! 
You love to take baths
you are a great nurser
you sleep like a champ at night and are getting the hang of naps :)
you love your gray little blankie
you fall asleep with a paci but thankfully don't need it during the night
your siblings STILL fight over holding you
you enjoy playing on your playmat and reaching up to all the toys
you are rolling from stomach to back ALL the time now 
you aren't a huge fan of tummy time :)
you can roll from back to stomach but aren't sure why you would want to!

such a sweet, sweet smiley boy! 
Who do you think he looks like??


March instagrams

cute little bunny

one of my favorite pictures--Rylie lining her dolls up.....

 apples and a lollipop

reading with aiyi

loves her baby brother....he's still not so sure...

three princess friends

lunch at our favorite! The corner!

weather in march warm enough to grill?!? We will take it!!