
Spidy Man

We thought for Everett's introduction to the website, we would use a picture of him in his favorite pajamas. He, however, does not see them as pajamas, but rather part of his transformation into "Spidyman". When he dons this "outfit" he runs around the house screaming "I spidyman, spidyman runs, here comes spidyman"--something only an almost two year old looks cute doing. The real dilemma here is what we are going to do when he outgrows these pajamas--and the time is quickly approaching. We have enough trouble when they have to go in the wash! Perhaps we will have to invest in some new super hero pajamas--any ideas are welcome!

And it's a ....

Well, after coming to the conclusion that the Lord was trying to teach me patience and we just were not going to be able to find out the sex of the baby, we had a surprise ultrasound last Thursday. I really was doing okay with not knowing, and was kind of beginning to understand why people might choose not to know. The anticipation is kind of fun. But when the ultrasound technician asked me if I wanted to know if the baby was a boy or a girl, my true feelings on the subject came out, as I said in a voice as loud as you can use in a doctor's office "YES!!!". And clear as bell on the screen was our little boy's bottom!

We are so excited for Everett to have a little brother! I know that they will be so close growing up and such good friends! The other day Everett asked me if the baby could crawl out now because he wanted to play. (Don't I wish he would crawl out!) After I explained to him that the baby would be too little to play when he was born, he said "That's okay. I just rock him". Hopefully he will continue this affection towards him once the baby is taking up some of Mom's time!



So, we thought we would jump on the baby website bandwagon. Here is our attempt to follow in some pretty big footsteps, so forgive the simplistic approach to something we have no idea about.

As most of you know, we have a precious 22 month old son named Everett and another probably son on the way. Probably son? you might be asking yourself. Well, after 4 ultrasounds (the first one leaning towards a boy, the second and third towards a girl, and the fourth a boy again) we are planning like it is going to be a boy, but we could be surprised! All the gender obsession aside, the baby is healthy and growing strong-and that is what is important. The baby is due on October 26th, but I am praying for an early delivery again with this one.

Here is the picture from our 20 week 3D ultrasound that we had done (in my desperate attempt to be sure of the sex of the baby). It was so cool to be able to see the face and eyes (not the semi-scary eye sockets on the regular ultrasound). I am now 29 weeks along--only 11 more to go--but who's counting?!
