
Mothers Day.....

I had such a great Mothers Day today! It is such a blessing to be Everett and Reid's mom--there is nothing else in the world I would rather do with my life! I am so thankful that God chose me to be their mom and I can't wait to add Rylie to the family! Here is a picture of the sweet, sweet necklace that they gave me today--

I absolutely LOVE it!! It has everett, reid, and rylie's names on it, and on the other side it has Psalm 127:3 --children are a blessing from the Lord.
It is from this website--www.lisaleonardonline.com--and I highly recommend it!!
Hope you all had a great Mothers Day! I am so thankful for all the moma and grandmas in my life!!


julie said...

That is the COOLEST!! Oh, I LOVE IT!! How fabulous - What a special gift :) HOORAY!!!
Glad to see you blogging every now and then! Love the name you guys choose for your newest addition too.

Susie said...

hey kadie! hope you are feeling well. can't believe your little girl is about to arrive! so fun! joe got me a lisa leonard necklase back when sadie was born! i love it! yours is beautiful!