
Laughlin, Party of 6

About two weeks after I got back to America, I had the shock of my life. I found out I was pregnant with baby #4. We were trying NOT to get pregnant, were talking about adoption,  and enjoying being diaper free. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE babies. And kids. But the growing the babies about. kills. me.
But apparently, God thinks a bit more of us than we do :) and thinks we can handle a bit more crazy in our lives!
Seriously though, we know that God's plans are perfect and that He absolutely knows what is best for our family, so we are really excited about what He has in store for us and this next little one!

If I can make it to delivery......pregnancy really kicks my butt.
Throwing up and bed rest were NOT on my list of things to do in the next 9 months. It looked more like run a half marathon and help with the PTA at the kids school. But through this complete upheavel of my plans, God has shown me just how much I rely on MY plans and how selfish they can be. Really? Running a half marathon is more important than growing a human life? Looking good in a bathing suit in Thailand or getting to show off my sweet 3 week baby? God has already used this sweet little one to teach me more about Him and refine me to be more like Him. We can't wait to see how else this precious one will be used!

Q and A---
1. I am due January 4th
2. Yes, we will be having the baby in China
3. No, we don't know what we are having yet.
Ultrasound is scheduled for the day before we head across the ocean.
And  this planner is loving how convenient that is......
4. The kids are SUPER excited about having another little one in the house.
5. I'm on bedrest because I have a prolapsed uterus. Should be better at 20 weeks
6. Yes, I am able to fly, even if I'm still on bedrest. Just can't carry anything.
Good thing we have so many kids to help :)
7. Baby will be a citizen of the United States and can still be president

These are some of the questions we've gotten, so I thought I would answer them all for everyone!
We really appreciate your prayers and support during this pregnancy!


Ashley said...

well then I'm definitely going to vote baby #4 for president!!!!!(: Love it!
I'm so so happy for y'all....I SO want a big family and I love to see other sweet families that I love have a quiver full!(: What an incredible blessing! I will be praying for your health....I also HATE being pregnant just because I'm so sick (and not even as bad as you....just throwing up for 9 months!)
Love you and miss you friend!! Call me if you come to Bham!!!

Lindsey said...

I was just catching up on your blog and surprise! I'm so happy for y'all! Congratulatons on another cute Laughlin kid! Wish I was going to be in Thailand to see him or her next year.

Life With Lucy said...

Congrats Kadie! So excited for you guys! I'll be praying for you as you head back over & enter another new season of life!
Much Love,
Haley Strouth